All 6 books of "The Necklace" series will be free on Amazon next weekend, June 9th and 10th.
“The Harpist” – Free on Amazon
My newest book, "The Harpist" will be free (e-book version) on Amazon this coming Saturday and...
“The Harpist” now available on Amazon
New Cover for Book #2 of “The Necklace” series.
Excerpt from “The Harpist”
Excerpt from "The Harpist." Available on Amazon soon... Malcolm McGarity stubbed out his cigarette...
Passive Voice
So...the final editing is done on my new book, "The Harpist," but I ran it through Grammarly again...
My new book!
Finally! The editing is done and I'm ready to submit to be formatted then can publish on Amazon....
A Rainy Day
And a good time to cozy up with a good book. In preparation for my new James and Susan Time-travel...
Revised cover – “The Necklace – The Dusky Club, June 1962”
I decided to have all my covers re-designed for my "Necklace" book series. The other cover, with a...
I’m Back!!
I had some files corrupted on my page and had to get help from my website provider. I hope to be...
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)
Joined NaNoWriMo yesterday and accepted the challenge to write 50,000 words in the month of...
Wattpad Reader Comment
Most of my Wattpad readers are from India, Indonesia, Nigeria or the Philippines. A recent comment...